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  • Writer's pictureEmily Pittman

1st Stop- the 70s.

JK it was Copenhagen.

We left DC around 5:30 and took to the skies. As far as flights go, it was uneventful.

First time I sat in the middle of the middle section of the plane.

Not as bad as I thought it was.

No one sat in the seat behind me so I reclined my seat


the way





It was glorious.

And the food was good and despite the fact that I couldn't get an alcoholic drink (they're not free, and my card wouldn't work. probably for the best anyway) it was a pleasant flight.

Got to finally watch Toy Story 4 and yes.

I did cry.

And I edited some photos of dogs, and I slept.

But when we landed and disembarked, the terminal we walked into with the wood paneling and the purple and orange chairs....I've never been hit so hard by a decade in my life.

And the design is so prevalent where we were, that when we wandered to a new addition to the airport and it seemed more in-line with the 2000s architectural style (big gray marble squares with slight black accents--i'll look up the name later) It was a little jarring. (I kid. A little.)

But we didn't wander too far.

The airport was quiet when we landed at 7ish in the morning, and I got a hot chocolate from a self-serving Starbucks station (there were MANY!) and we made our way to our gate where we promptly took a nap.

I think on the plane I got about 3 hours of sleep? Less? It def wasn't consecutive.

But the airport had long cushioned benches and there is a universal beauty in the fact that an individual can sleep in the airport, and no one will bat an eye.

Full advantage taken.

I only got up cause a dad and his kid sat at the end of my bench and I could feel them moving. But it was boarding time anyways, so we got up, and now we're on our way to actual Dublin.

Sounds like we're going to keep today easy-pick up a rental car and hang out where we're staying.

A perfect start to our trip if you ask me.

I've long since learned that jam-packing your schedule is unnecessarily stressful.

Yes, you've traveled far and in a place that is probably full of history and things to do, but if you're cranky from being tired, what's the point?


You've heard a lot from me today--expect one more from when we actually are in Dublin!

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