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  • Writer's pictureEmily Pittman

Last week - busy days!

Short post! Unfortunately, you can blame me/the Aquarium for this short post. Turns out I had some work that had to be finished by the end of the year - I didn't know because I only work "on-call" now. But this is required stuff even of me. So for a couple of nights this past week in Rotorua, I've been having to sign in and do that. Happy to do it! I absolutely need the money. Unfortunately, it's actually a lot harder to squeeze in the time than I've thought. ALSO it's a LOT MORE than I thought. So, yay money, boo less time on vacation. But, here are pictures from THE SHIRE of ME Living my best hobbit life I WAS THE ONLY ONE DRESSED UP I couldn't believe it. There were so many people there, and I didn't see anyone dressed up. The workers all said nice things to me, and the people on our tour seemed delighted by me and my enthusiasm. I got to live a dream of mine of running like Bilbo out of the Shire Dream come true I will talk more when I can! Until then, the pictures and the video! (I have pictures NOT of me, but I will pick those later!)

But we did more than the Shire today! Just to say so I don't forget - we went to Tu Puia - it''s a hodge podge of everything that's like, native new zealand. It's got a Maori village, it's got geothermal activity, it's got Kiwis, it's got carvings. We did that BEFORE the Shire, and I looked like a normal person, then after that we came back for me to change and go to the Shire.

Then AFTER the Shire, we went to the Rotorua Night market - a street festival they have every Thursday (at least in Spring in Summer) It was mostly food vendors (delicious, but still!) but it did have some local artists from Rotorua and some local performers. Hung out, ate dinner, looked around, looked at the Christmas tree they had up, and headed home so I could do the work I needed to do. Sorry it's not detailed, and I only shared the Hobbit pictures! Well I'm not sorry about the Hobbit photos, but you know what I mean. later! I promise.

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